Copywriting is now much more than writing brochures and devising straplines - it is at the heart of content marketing.
To engage and win trust you have to add value to your prospects constantly.
We create compelling, authoritative writing and then distribute it in a format that your prospects will want to read and share. Your publications and blog posts will add value to your readers and position your expertise, your news releases will be regular and hit the spot with news hungry, yet sceptical journalists and bloggers, your social media presence will be constant, lively and engaging.
We write for:
You know what your business does. You are no doubt very good at it. You have an opinion on the issues that affect your customers. But how do you put it all into words that will really arrest and inspire your target audience? We specialise in clear, plain English, choosing language and visual aids that match the personality of your business and truly capture what it is about.
To find out more about how we can help you with content marketing and copywriting, please contact us.
by The Team, 4 minute read